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Six Habitats for Beneficial Insects

  1. Field Border Strips of native grasses and wildflowers planted along field edges, farm roads, underneath power lines, or in the corner areas of center-pivot irrigated fields. 
  2. Pollinator Hedgerows of flowering shrubs, trees, perennial wildflowers, and grasses in the understory. Located along property boundaries, fence lines, roads, and as barriers to separate crop fields. 
  3. Streamside Buffers with multi-level native vegetation maintained along streams, creeks, and rivers.
  4. Beetle Bankselevated berms that provide shelter and overwintering habitat for predatory ground beetles. Planted next to or through the center of crop fields. 
  5. Cover Crops and Alley Crops - Temporary or permanent plantings of ground cover on fallow crop fields, between rows of berry crops or nursery stock, or in the understory of vineyards and orchards. 
  6. Insectary Strips of pollen and nectar sources planted between crop rows.  For more information see Farming with Native Beneficial Insects: Ecological Pest Control Solutions, Xerces Society Guide.
May contain: herbal, herbs, plant, vegetation, and flower
At the Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture in Corvallis, pollinator-friendly species are interplanted with food crops to attract beneficial insects.