Now recruiting members for our Budget Committee!
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Our Budget Committee meets annually to receive the budget message and review public comments. As a public service district, we recruit citizen members to our Budget Committee to help ensure transparency and equal opportunity.
Term of Service
Citizen members are appointed by the District Board of Directors to serve three-year terms. Terms of citizen members are staggered to help provide continuity from year to year, and to allow new members to bring their ideas and perspectives to the Budget Committee.
Duties of the Budget Committee
The role of the Budget Committee is to review the proposed budget submitted by the Budget Officer, and either approve it as proposed, or modify it. The Budget Committee elects a presiding officer (Chair) to help the Committee reach an affirmative vote in approving the budget. Specifically, the Budget Committee:
- Receives the budget document from the Budget Officer;
- Hears the budget message from the Budget Officer;
- Considers public comment;
- Discusses and revises the budget as needed;
- Approves the budget; and
- Approves the property taxes to be levied.
For more information, review the FY25 Budget Committee Summary.pdf