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Love Your River Workshops

  • Get to know native aquatic plants and aquatic invaders!
  • Receive an aquatic weed guide!
  • Learn how to report invasive species!
  • Float the river and pull with us!

Learn about the invasive plants and animals that threaten the Willamette River, then apply your new knowledge at our free events! When events are scheduled, the dates and registration info are posted here and on our calendar.



River-based Workshops

In a typical year, we offer workshops for you to learn to ID and survey for aquatic invaders and native plants on the Willamette between Corvallis and Albany. Bring your own boat or reserve a space in a Willamette Riverkeeper canoe. Water weed field guide provided.


River Weed Pulls

In a typical year, we schedule river weed pulls. Join us in protecting the fish and wildlife habitat as we paddle and pull on the Willamette between Corvallis and Albany. Bring your own boat or reserve a space in a Willamette Riverkeeper canoe.


Event Funders & Partners

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