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River to Ridge Biodiversity Tour

Serene lake with a wooden dock, cattails in the foreground, and pine forest in the background.

Date:    Saturday, June 8
Time:    8:00 am - 12:00 pm 
(please arrive by 7:30 for check-in and group assignments)
Place:   J2E Tree Farm
Cost:     FREE (RSVP required - see link below)

Join Luckiamute Watershed Council, Benton SWCD, and other partners for a tour of the River to Ridge Diversity Project at the J2E Tree Farm. Explore firsthand the efforts underway to revitalize the land, from vibrant wet prairies and riparian areas to scenic pine flats and upland prairies. Discover the rewards of restoring a healthy ecosystem that benefits both humans and wildlife!

More info and register at: 

An advert for a "River to Ridge Biodiversity Tour" at J2E Tree Farm, including a photo of a meadow with flowers.