Grant Funds Available for Water Quality Projects
OWEB Grant Funds Available for Water Quality Projects
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) has a fund for small grants for watershed improvements in the Upper Muddy Creek Watershed (see map below). A 25% matching contribution from the landowner is required, which may sometimes be satisfied by the landowners’ labor to implement the project.
Application Deadline: January 17, 2024
Maximum request amount per grant: $15,000
Timeframe: Projects must be completed within two years of the grant award date.
Eligible Project types: Projects must demonstrate a clear watershed benefit to aquatic species, wildlife, or watershed health and be one of the eligible project types listed below. These are based on OWEB Small Grant Rules OAR 695-035-0050. Priority will be given to projects intended to restore or protect agricultural water quality.
Projects commonly used to restore or protect Agricultural Water Quality:
- Manage Nutrient and Sediment Inputs through managed grazing (e.g., fencing and developing off-channel watering) and plantings.
- Manage Vegetation: plant or seed native riparian species, propagate native riparian plants, or control weeds in conjunction with a restoration project.
- Manage Vegetation: control weeds (in conjunction with a restoration project), or plant native wetland species.
- Manage Erosion on Agricultural Lands: terrace land; employ laser leveling; create windbreaks; install water and sediment control basins (WASCBs); develop filter strips/grassed waterways; manage mud (e.g., gravel high-use areas, develop paddocks); seed bare areas, reduce tillage.
- Manage Nutrient and Sediment Inputs to Streams through the management of grazing, vegetation cover, animal waste, or irrigation runoff.
- Improve Surface Drainage: surface road drainage improvements, gravel surfacing, stream crossings.
- Manage Erosion: bioengineer stream banks, slope stream banks, or develop water gaps, streambank barbs.
- Implement Irrigation Practices.
Application process
If you’re interested in this funding, contact the Benton Soil and Water Conservation District and we’ll arrange for a site visit to talk specifics and help you through the grant development process.
Contact Donna at or call: 541-753-7208 (ext 203)