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PARTNER EVENT: Dunawi Creek Planting Party at Bald Hill Natural Area

November 4, 1:00-4:00pm

Join us to plant Oregon White Oak, Scouler’s Willow, Oceanspray, Hazel, Wild Clustered Rose, Western Spirea, Camas and Rush along the creek corridor adjacent to the Bald Hill Multimodal Path and the newly installed culvert at the City-owned Bald Hill Natural Area. We will be digging, picking, planting, mulching and watering the plants. Participants will be instructed and managed by members of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition Water Action Team. If you want to come, just bring your water bottle along with wearing clothes and shoes that will get dirty and possibly muddy.

For further information about this 7-year long project to revive a headwaters creek that has been buried underground you can follow this link: A Gift for the Dunawi Creek Regeneration Site at the Bald Hill Natural Area - YouTube (from the 27:20 time to 47:00). We will meet at the Bald Hill trail kiosk at the Benton County Fairgrounds parking lot and walking in to the site.

Participants must register in advance so sponsors will know how many tools are required. To register, please email Dave Eckert at

Sponsored by Corvallis Parks & Recreation and Corvallis Sustainability Coaltion